The COVID-19 pandemic has brought on many stressors within our communities such as physical distancing, unemployment, underemployment, just to name a few. However, these stressors are resulting in a significant increase in the escalating global brain health crisis. Issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse, loneliness from social isolation, and cognitive decline in adults have been major factors. Harris Eyre, MD, PhD and Zoltan Sarnyai, MD, PhD are two researchers working in the field of brain health. Prof Harris was trained by Prof Zoltan at JCU Townsville and both men are pursuing breakthroughs to advance brain health care. This research will provide an opportunity for innovation and progress to grow global Brain Capital that will lead to greater health justice for all.
Read more here about the research on Boosting Brain Health After COVID-19: A Convergence Solution Harris Eyre LinkedIn profile Zoltan Sarnyai LinkedIn profile Comments are closed.